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Sabado, Hulyo 27, 2013

Dragonball Tap Battle Review

Oh yeah! Schooling week is over! I must post a review now. Hehehehe
I'm reviewing Dragonball Tap Battle, which is an awesome game that you can have from the playstore.

Start of the game

The game looks well even though you've just started it. It's like, "Wow! Goku and Vegeta?!!" hehehe. The only pain in playing this game is its language, as you can see, this game has Japanese language, (Maybe Chinese hehehe) that will make you tap on the wrong button when you are about to play. But exploring it will make you memorize the different functions of the buttons.
NOTE: The button with one star dragonball is the main game.


When it comes to characters, the main characters of dragonball are present. You can pick between Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta, Frieza and Cell that you can use to see their different fighting style.
As you can see, there is a card near the character. Cards are used to power up other characters that can give you a good chance defeating the game. Each time you play and finish/defeat all the characters present, your character's card will have a +1 which means it's getting stronger.
NOTE: There are characters that are hidden in the game and unlocking them will be hard.


As have been said, cards are used to power up the characters. There are different cards to choose and unlock. But unlocking cards will be hard because of the game's language.



Kamehame ha!
Kick on your face!
Battle of power!
Fly Vegeta! 
Punch! Kick! Punch!

The gameplay is awesome! Just tap and your character will fight!
The game was so intense that you will feel like your watching dragonball series again hehehe.
You can also learn the game easy because it's just tapping and doesn't need combinations whatsoever to do a certain move like other action fighting games does.
You can also see different events that will happen on a fight, like characters punching, wave of energy on outer space, battle of power wave, kicking characters and let them fly on the mid air.
This is just plain AWESOME!

The final verdict

The game is just A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
I know, once you've downloaded this game, you'll be addicted to it. From its graphics, cool gameplay, characters and even player versus player connectivity!
Unfortunately, this game is not free, which means that you need to buy this game in order to obtain its coolness hehehe. But this game is must have! You should try it guys!

Download link:

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